Sep 8, 2011

All I Can Hear Are the Sirens

That's the title of a film by Cheryl Younger, another fellow critter ("critique group member" is just too much of a mouthful) that will premier this Sunday to mark the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Cheryl lived 10 blocks away from the World Trade Center and she witnessed the attacks and the subsequent fall of both towers. This documentary film reveals her first-person response as well as that of others she met and filmed in the months afterward.

The film will premier Sunday Sept 11th at 2 pm:
Downtown Independent
251 S Main St
Los Angeles, CA 90012

I moved to New York in 2005 and so experienced the pain of that day from San Francisco. I remember my disbelief turning into anger at the violation, destruction and loss of life. I've always loved New York and the attack struck at the heart of the city's skyline and its soul. But as I heard from many of my friends who lived through it, the city's reaction to 9/11 was truly it's finest hour. Everyone was so happy to just be alive that kindness and compassion became the city's new currency.  The people of New York came together with the resilency, grace and humanity that makes New York the greatest city in the world. I hope you'll join me in reliving that spirit with Cheryl's film.

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